TOG’s March Madness is here. We have the purrfect content for your organization. Over the month of March there will be: webinars, blog articles, and so much more.
Read below on our upcoming webinars. They are sure to be pawesome!
March 2nd
2021 Wellness Program Update: March Compliance Webinar-TRUE Network
TRUE Network and The Olson Group are offering the monthly Compliance Webinar. Let’s talk wellness.
This month, attorney’s at Maynard, Cooper & Gale are reviewing:
- Recent Updates to the EEOC’s Wellness Program Regulations
- Important Wellness Program considerations Surrounding COVID-19 Vaccines

Matthew Stiles is a Benefit Attorney with Maynard, Cooper, and Gale.

Matthew Cannova is a Benefit Attorney with Maynard, Cooper, and Gale.
March 9th
Engaging, Uplifting, and Connecting in a Remote World
During this webinar Craig Spilker, from AMPT, will be discussing the culture surrounding remote work before COVID-19, the new outlook on remote work during a pandemic, and what employers can learn from these experiences.
The pandemic has caused some employees to become less motivated in their work. According to a Forbes report, job motivation has fallen from 56 percent to 36 percent. Craig will speak on ways to increase motivation among employees and combat workplace burnout.
Craig recently wrote a blog article that gives insight to some of his recent findings on leadership and the effects of COVID-19. Read None of This is Normal and That’s the Point.

Craig Spilker is Head of Product and Engagement at AMPT. He has over 8 years of industry experience.
March 25th
TRUE Network’s Shake It Up! The Human Connection
The Olson Group has partnered with TRUE Network to offer this Webinar Series discussing a wide variety of topics. This next webinar is discussing Human Connection and features author and Speaker Riaz Meghi.
Topics covered during the event:
- Leading Virtually
- Intentional Connection
- Chemistry with the Camera
- Story-Telling, Emotions, Empathy
- The Single-Most Important Question to Ask in Time of Crisis
Attendees will learn how to make the perfect “Castle Coffee” and more importantly take away real strategies for building virtual and in-person connections.

Riaz Meghji, author of Every Conversation
Counts and 17 year broadcast host. Over the past two decades Riaz has interviewed thousands of experts and now teaches leaders how to connect authentically and have their messages resonate with clients, customers and co-workers.

The AdvoCAT Series strives to be your HR advocate.
For more information regarding our HR Services please visit https://theolsongroup.com/hr-consulting/