Glassdoor is not the Glass Ceiling; there is no shattering necessary.
Glassdoor is a website that allows people to rate and review companies and their CEOs, benefits, salaries, interviews, and more.
The site averages over 16 million unique visitors per month, which means there’s an excellent chance that your employees or recruits have used it. Despite this large number of users, few employers know how to benefit from this website.
Here are five ways that you can use Glassdoor to help your business.
1. Use It to Assert Yourself as a Transparent Organization
Use Glassdoor to strengthen the transparency of your company. Utilize the website to check whether your business’s vision and values align with, and are being accurately conveyed to, your employees.
Information posted on the site about your firm should match internal information. All interactions and information on the website should accurately reflect what kind of business you are. This authenticity is crucial to fostering transparency in your business.
Learn more about business transparency.
2. Get an Employer Account
You can get an employer account for free. A Free Employer Account lets you:
— Answer reviews
— Update company information
— Flag content
— Post workplace photos and job listings
— View some base analytics
These tools give you tangible benefits you can present to management. They also allow you to give prospective employees greater insight into your company’s culture, and current employees a place to recognize and be proud of their workplace.
If you have the necessary resources, pay for an Enhanced Employer Profile. You can control your profile look, brand story, and how your company, overall, is promoted on the site through an enhanced employer profile. It gives you a more personal and detailed space to present to recruits.
3. Encourage Reviews
As an employer, you should actively encourage both employees and interviewees to comment and review your company on Glassdoor. Your interview process should include encouraging candidates to write a review on the website after they leave.
Invite current employees to post on the site as well. You should be taking an active approach to promoting the website’s reviews. Send periodic emails reminding employees to use the website. Ask an employee who has been promoted or is celebrating a workplace milestone, to write a review about their job and experiences.
4. Comment and Respond
The website should be a two-way form of communication. Respond to reviews on the website to engage your workforce and separate yourself from your competitors.
Establish a strategy for responding to both negative and positive reviews. Keep interactions prompt, polite, and as positive as possible.
5. Report Information to Management
Ensure your company is getting the most out of Glassdoor, by consistently informing management about information gathered from the website. Use the analytics the site provides to inform management about your company’s brand position, and ROI regarding cost-to-hire and time-to-fill positions.
Management should also know about negative reviews that contain helpful information. Your organization can use negative reviews to improve its company. Use information from negative reviews to target an area of weakness in your organization.
The Wrap
To get the most out of Glassdoor, businesses should: use it to assert your company’s transparency, get an employer account, encourage reviews, comment and respond, and report information to management.
Many organizations ignore this website or believe that it is used only by disgruntled employees looking to vent. Glassdoor can be used as an avenue for you to engage employees, recruit talent, and better your business.
Your organization can’t take a passive role with Glassdoor reviews. You can’t hope that the rain will clean your glass; sometimes you have to take a squeegee to it.