Five years ago the first Hunger Games movie premiered, Barak Obama was elected to his second term as President, and a bunch of people thought a Mayan-predicted apocalypse was nigh.
Also five years ago, was the last time that employees had felt the levels of financial pressure they are facing now. According to PwC’s 2016 Employee Financial Wellness Survey, employees are at the highest level of stress, due to finances, in five years.
Similarly, a Harris Poll conducted for Purchasing Power found that 80 percent of employees are under financial stress. And this financial pressure is like any other stress; it makes life more difficult.
Financial stress can cause employees to lose sleep. According to a study by Financial Finesse, 6 out of 10 employees lose sleep over their financial situations. As a result, the average employer suffers a loss of 11.3 days of productivity per year, per employee.
As a result, the average employer suffers a loss of 11.3 days of productivity per year, per employee. Not only does stress affect individual employees, it ends up negatively impacting your business as a whole.
Stress costs businesses an average of $300 billion a year due to stress-related healthcare and missed work. Money is one of the biggest stressors in life, which makes it a powerful influence in every individual’s life.
Helping your employees manage financial pressure is critical to a healthy and successful business. These are the top five benefits that will ease your employees’ financial stress.
5 Benefits that Relieve Financial Pressure
These benefits range in price but they all have one thing in common. Each can be an effective tool for combating the effects of depression and mental illness in the workplace.
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Learn more about the benefits that can relieve financial pressure.